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Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
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Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
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Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
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1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Click "< Back" to add a promotional code
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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- Main Entry - Lane 1 - Sarah Durack and Edwin Flack Avenue
- Main Exit - Lane 1 - Corner Sarah Durack and Edwin Flack Avenue
Sydney Olympic Park P4 Car Park
P4 parking at Sydney Olympic Park is within easy walking distance of all venues within the Park.
To purchase parking in advance at this car park click here.
During major events if you have not purchased in advance, DO NOT DRIVE, there will be no casual or drive-up parking available in the Olympic Park Pecinct.
When would you like to park?
Parking Services
Car park features
- 24 hours
Opening Hours
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Important information
Corner Sarah Durack and Edwin Flack Avenue.
Exit to Corner Sarah Durack and Edwin Flack Avenue.
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
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1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
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PIN & QR Access
is accessible by QR Code or 6 digit PIN. You can find your QR Code or PIN in your Account under Purchases
Price includes GST
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.