Car Parks
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Vehicles listed here will be billed to your selected primary method.
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Add another vehicle to your account for easier billing and lot access.
Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
Add gift card
Your refund will be reimbursed to your original payment method.
When Google Pay/Apple Pay was used for the original purchase, we require you to verify your payment details and card used by re-selecting Google Pay/Apple Pay and confirming the cancellation fee can be charged. The original cost will then be refunded to your original payment card.
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Manage payment methods
Important information
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
Download receipt
Add promotional code
Add gift card
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Click "< Back" to add a promotional code
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
Manage payment methods
Add promotional code
Add gift card
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Click "< Back" to add a promotional code
1% surcharge applies to payment cards (Excluding AMEX)
Price includes GST
Terms & Conditions
Prior to confirming payment you are required to read and accept the terms and conditions and acknowledge that car parks may be unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. In which case you may be directed to another car park or we may refund your Parking Fee if the selected car park is unavailable at entry time.
Manage payment methods
Help with Online Purchases
How to Sign Up or Create an Account
To purchase parking with Secure Parking, you need to create an account. However, you can search for parking and compare rates without an account. An account allows for quick repeat purchases and managing your upcoming, current, and past parking from your device.
Unified Account: The same account can be used on both the website and the app with the same password.
Creating an Account: Click the ‘Register or sign in’ prompt. On the app, this is required only for the first-time use. On the website, follow the ‘Don’t have an account? Sign up now’ prompt at the bottom of the page to create a new account.
How to Pre-Pay or Purchase in Advance
Purchasing online is easy and allows you to plan with confidence. The online tools will help you find the closest or best-priced parking near your destination.
Search Options: Search by car park, address, region, or place by entering the exact dates and times you want to enter and exit the car park.
Checkout Options: You can checkout with single purchases on the Secure Parking app or with single and multiple purchases via the Secure Parking website’s ‘cart’ function.
Payment Methods:
Apple Pay: No need to add payment cards. Apple Pay is available on the Secure Parking website (not available on the app). To set up Apple Pay, open the Wallet app on your iPhone and tap the “+” sign to add your credit or debit card.
Google Pay: No need to add payment cards. Google Pay is available on any device with a Google account. Download the Google Pay app from the Google Play Store and follow the instructions to add your credit or debit card.
Payment Cards: If paying with a payment card, you need to add the card to your account on both the Secure Parking website and the Secure Parking app separately. The details of the credit card used will be stored externally (in encrypted format) on a PCI compliant Card Safe service. The credit card details will be retained and be linked to your online purchasing account for future purchases.
Using Apple Pay
Setup: Open the Wallet app on your iPhone and tap the “+” sign to add your credit or debit card.
Payment Process: Look for the Apple Pay button at checkout. Select the card from your Wallet and confirm the payment in the pop-up window. A ‘Payment Successful’ message will be displayed at the top of the page. If the payment fails, an error message will indicate the reason.
Using Google Pay
Setup: Download the Google Pay app from the Google Play Store. Open the app and follow the instructions to add your credit or debit card. You may need to verify your card with your bank.
Payment Process: Look for the Google Pay button at the top of the payment page. Select the card from your Google Pay Wallet and confirm the payment. A green ‘Payment Successful’ message will be displayed at the top of the page. If the payment fails, a red error message will indicate the reason.
We are introducing a 1% surcharge for payment card use (excluding AMEX). Initially, you will see a ‘zero’ value on your payment review breakdown. Once the surcharge is in effect, the 1% fee will be applied to your payment if applicable.
How to Update, Amend, or Cancel an Online Payment
Find the Purchased Item You Want to Update
When signed in, select ‘Purchases’ (calendar icon) in the Account tab on the app home screen or website. You can update as required. Fees/charges may apply, and there may be cancellation/amendment restrictions as per the terms and conditions of your parking product.
Cancellation Refunds
Paid in Full Using a Credit Card: You will receive a refund back to the payment card you used, provided your selected dates and times are within the cancellation period (60 minutes prior to the product entry time). A $1.00 cancellation fee will be deducted, and you should allow 5-10 business days for the refund to be transferred back into your account. Please note, you cannot claim any refunds for unused paid parking if it is not within the cancellation period of 60 minutes prior to entry time. Full Terms and Conditions can be found here at item 7.
Partially Paid or Fully Paid Using a Gift Card
If you have paid in full or partially with a gift card, you will receive the refund as a gift card back into your account immediately. A $1.00 cancellation fee applies. If you have multiple parkings paid for in a single transaction, you will only be entitled to a refund for upcoming dates and times. Any expired parkings will not be refunded.
Cancelling Payments Made with Apple Pay
Absolutely! Select the purchase in your account and follow the prompts to cancel. There is a $1 cancellation fee that requires you to reconfirm payment in your Apple Pay Account for security reasons. The parking fee less $1 will then be refunded to the original card used.
Cancelling Payments Made with Google Pay
Yes! Select the purchase in your account and follow the prompts to cancel. There is a $1 cancellation fee that requires you to reconfirm payment in your Google Pay Account for security reasons. The parking fee less $1 will then be refunded to the original card used.
The 1% surcharge for credit card payments (excluding AMEX) is fully refunded when you cancel a purchase.
Difficulty Paying Online
Calendar Date Selection Not Working
Please ensure your screen resolution is set to 100%. It has been reported that on desktop and mobile devices, the date and day of the week may not align correctly below 75%.
Can’t Create an Account
In rare cases, you may find you cannot create an account because your email address is associated with previous contact with Secure Parking. Please use a different email address or use the ‘forgot password’ option to reset your password.
How to Enter and Exit a Car Park When Purchased in Advance
At Entry
At the majority of our car parks, you can enter using the unique QR code or PIN you received when you made the purchase online. Simply drive up to the entry device and either select “Scan QR code” or “Enter PIN”. You can find your PIN and QR code in the ‘Account’ tab under ‘Purchases’ when signed in on the website or in the app, or in your Google or Apple Wallet if you have used this function. If you are using the app’s ‘gate opening’ function, please ensure you have Bluetooth enabled on your mobile phone, or this will not work. Should you not have a connection at entry, please select the intercom.
At Exit
Simply proceed to the exit and enter the same PIN or scan the QR code on your device. If any additional charges are owed, e.g., if you stayed longer than your expected paid time period, the difference for your stay will be calculated, and you will be asked to scan your payment card. If you used the app’s ‘gate opening’ function on entry, please ensure you have Bluetooth enabled on your mobile phone, then proceed to the exit. Open the purchase in your app, then using the slide function, swipe your screen along the “Open Gate” button. This will open the gate and allow you to exit the car park.
How to Change Your Password
Change Password
Simply select ‘forgot password’ before you log in to the Secure Parking website or app. You will receive an email to your nominated email account; follow the link to update your password.
How to Add or Update Your Payment Card
Add Card
When signing up, you will be prompted to add a payment card. This payment card will automatically apply as the default payment method until you decide to add additional payment cards to your account or use Apple or Google Pay. Please note, if you use both the app and website, you will be required to add your card payment details to your website account and your app account as these are two separate platforms.
Add Additional Cards
Once logged into your account on the website, click on the account button. Then proceed to click ‘Payment Methods’. Here you will be able to add the card details for the new card. You can also choose which card you prefer as default from the list provided.
Remove Cards
Payment cards will only be able to be deleted if there are no active parking sessions attached to them. To delete a card, simply click the delete button next to the payment card you wish to remove.
Choose a Different Card at Checkout
Specify Which Card to Debit
At checkout, you will be able to select the payment card you wish to have charged. A list of available cards in your account will be displayed. You may select one of these options, and if no card is selected during this process, on confirmation of your purchase, the selected default card will be charged.
How can I get a tax receipt?
Need further help?
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